Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Wacky Qaddafi
Back in my UNH days, every time I would drive home to see my folks I would have to take Rt 4 from Durham to Concord. This is a drab road loaded with antique shops, massive gas stations, and bizarro displays of lawn ornamentation. One I distinctly remember was located in Epsom, NH and involved the placement of a massive wooden horse in front of a guy's barn. A sign on the homemade statue flatly proclaimed: The UN is a Trojan Horse in America.

I used to laugh at this guy's paranoia. I used to think he was one who held fast to the fear of "Black Helicopters". But now, having grown older and wiser, I think the guy was on to something - especially after reading this latest announcement of lunacy by the increasingly irrelevant international organization headquartered along the banks of NYC's East River....


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