Friday, May 13, 2005

U.S.S Shredder
The local paper has been running stories non-stop about the impending BRACC decision, and whether or not the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard will be on the committee's base closure recommendation list.

I don't know if anybody read too closely this story, but I was floored when I read the key details. The shipyard employs a guy full-time to simply shred paper, and pays him $696.50 a week to do it! Unbelievable. No wonder the base is up for closure consideration. Misuse of funds possibly????


At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, the base closure story is big news here too.

Just thinking about all those out of work paper shredders in New London breaks my heart...

Steve - absit invidia

At 5:13 PM, Blogger Granite said...

We'll see what happens. Sens. Liebermann and Gregg hold some clout. They will need to flex it here to save these shipyards.

Yeah, Portsmouth Shipyard going is one thing, but Electric Boat going too? That's huge!


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