Twinkie vs. Lazy Decision 2008
Great victory speech by Obama after his SC win. The guy knows how to strike an inspiring tone. It's impossible to dislike the guy.
Obama's rhetoric is like a twinkie - form and mass but no substance. He says nothing and everything at the same time. Amazing.
The Republicans need to stop invoking Reagan's name as shorthand for things they don't take the time to explain. There's a fair portion of the electorate who come into the election having been born after Reagan or during Reagan or with an amnesia of the conditions of the country before Reagan's presidency. Simply saying "I am Reagan too" doesn't cut it. Its meaningless and a sign of laziness if you aren't taking the time to articulate specifics of conservatism that emerged with Buckley and Goldwater in the 50's and culminated with Reagan's ascendancy in the 80's. Its important history and important philosophy and no Republican candidate should pass up the opportunity to explain point for point why it remains vital today.
Being lazy and speaking in code while your potential opponent is promising a big goodie bag isn't going to cut it. If it comes down to Obama's "Yes We Can" versus the Republican's "No We Can't" and the Republican hasn't done the heavy lifting to explain the wisdom of limited government then they can just kiss off the '08 election right now.
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