Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Stuffy Intellectual Crap
For those of you who get turned on to big concepts and such, read this. Sometimes I disagree with someone and the disagreement goes way beyond the usual Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative, Republican/Democrat divides. The debate tends to get bogged down over basic precepts that were automatically assumed (by myself) to be shared. In a sense, the person was singing from an entirely different songsheet.

9-11 has exposed this to some extent. Leftists who normally were not so patriotic suddenly found themselves pro-war and hungry for action against the Islamofascists. These are not the people I'm talking about. Instead, The people who are fundamentally different - who are singing from an entirely different songsheet (and not one marked by Treble Clefs, codas, etc - but of an entirely different language) are who I am concerned about. They are the ones who see America as the enemy, and general sympathize with Al Queda, Palestinian suicide bombers, and mouth the tell-tale phrases "root causes", "cycle of violence", etc, etc. Hint: You can usually spot these people if they are admirers of Noam Chomsky, Paul Krugman, Robert Fisk et. al

Go read the article and also the Fonte article that is the basis for all of this. It is good and explains a lot.


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