Monday, September 29, 2003

Toys for Tots
The good Chief Wiggles is doing great work for all of us over in Baghdad. Read his blog to get an idea of him and his role with the military as well as the work he does with the civilian authority. Right now he has established a Toy Drive for Iraqi kids and has set up an address to receive mailed toy donations. He recommends that basic items be sent: pens, pencils, paper, small stuffed animals, etc. No squirt guns, Barbie Dolls, or other things that may invite controversy. I sent a bunch of magic markers to him and it cost me $4 postage to get to Baghdad. That's ridiculously cheap if you think about it. Heck, this is an effortless way to help out and if it enhances my nation's security all the more, then all the better.


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