Sunday, February 13, 2005

Hateful Nuts
If the following attitudes are typical, then it does not surprise me that the Democrat party is failing to win majorities:

I'm a Republican: Fuck you
by Sue in NH
Sun Feb 6th, 2005 at 14:02:54 PST

I'm a republican. Fuck you.
I'm a republican. I have my own pile of money. Fuck you.

I'm a republican. My kids go to private school. I don't care about your kids, or public schools. When my kids are better educated than yours, they will get better jobs and make more money than your kids. Fuck you.

I'm a republican. I have a job with health insurance. If you were not so lazy or stupid, you would have a good job with health insurance too. It sure is sad when you go bankrupt after a catastrophic health crisis, but its probably your own damn fault anyway. Fuck you.


I'm a republican. I'm a Christian. You are either a heathen, a raghead Muslim, or the wrong kind of Christian. Fuck you.

I'm a republican. I'm going to heaven and you're going to hell. Fuck you.

I'm a republican. It is not only my right, it's my duty to spread freedom and democracy around the world. If you don't understand that, Fuck you.

I'm a republican. I have a condo in Vail, a summer home in Maine, and a beach house in Florida. We don't need any National Parks or protected forests. Fuck you.

I'm a republican. I'm white. I'm perfect, and I'm not like all those brown, yellow and black people. Fuck you.

I'm a republican. I live in a gated community. It's too bad about all the crime out there on the city streets, but that's your problem. Fuck you.

I'm a republican. I hate taxes. Its my money. I earned it. I don't want to pay to support all you lazy, uneducated, pathetic poor people, least of all you teenage mothers (whores), you drug addicts and all you black boys. Fuck you.

I'm a republican. I hate homosexuals. When I think of gay people, I think of of man-on-dog, horse on woman, threesomes, and other sexual fantasies, and that frightens me. If you are queer, or have a queer friend, Fuck you.

I'm a republican. I was born rich, and I've become more rich, and damn it, since I can't take it all with me, I'm going to make sure my kids are just as stinking rich. Fuck you.

I'm a republican. I'm never wrong. I know everything, never make a mistake, and can't learn anything from you, you damn ignorant pussy democrats. Fuck you.

I'm a republican. My rights and civil liberties should be protected, but not yours, you terrorist loving, America hating, pansy liberal. Fuck you.

I'm a republican. I hate you and everything you Democrats stand for, you fucking communists. Fuck you.

-from The Daily Kos


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