The Left's Great SpokesmanHere is a translated
transcript of Osama BinLaden's latest message.
In his message he:
-sounds like
Michael Moore and rails against corporations and their influence
-sounds like
Noam Chomsky and rails against American Empire and warmongering (Venezuela's Hugo Chavez also
promotes Chomsky)
-sounds like
Oliver Stone in describing the reasons behind the assassination of JFK
-sounds like
Al Gore in railing against global warming and America's rejection of the Kyoto Treaty.
-sounds like with complaints about an impotent Democrat Party and those Democrats who continue to support the Iraq war.
-sounds like
Cindy Sheehan in pitying the condition of the US soldier
-sounds like
John Edwards railing against the burden of mortages and interest loan debt
-sounds like
DailyKos, ranting about Cheney, Rumsfeld, and other supposed Neoconservatives
-sounds like
ANSWER, proclaiming the truthfulness of
No Blood for OilI wonder if Osama receives funding from George Soros?